Understand your visitors. Protect their data. Switch to
Self-hosted web analytics
What happens on your website should stay between you and your users.
Replace tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar with a single private dashboard.
Respect privacy-laws and stop sharing your users' data.
Why is UXWizz different?
This is your own private platform, not a cloud service. Get full control over your data and stop sharing it with 3rd parties.
This drastically improves data privacy.
UXWizz is built on robust and highly available technologies so it only takes a few minutes to install UXWizz on your own server.
Most privacy-friendly platforms only display basic stats. UXWizz provides all the tools you need to really understand your users' behavior.
You can install UXWizz on a cheap VPS or even on a shared hosting. Add a few more resources and you can track millions of pageviews.
UXWizz has been in active development for over 9 years and counting.
You can automatically update to the latest version in a single click.
Get high-quality answers within 24 hours directly from the developer. Get help with installation, issues or request new features.
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